Vsi prispevki, ki jih je objavil/a tina.rescic@sola-solkan.si

A “horror” story

It was a dark night – one of the darkest recently and the strong cold wind was blowing. There was a full moon on the sky. And when there is the full moon, on that hill, which the story is about always some strange things happen. A hundred years ago on the night of a full moon that hill arose. Nobody knew how but it has just appeared.

That night an old car came along a crooked road and stopped at the foot of the hill. At the top of the hill there was a big old house. A witch lived in it. A man came out of a car and went along a path which led to the top of the hill. After 15 minutes the man reached the house. He knocked at the door. Since nobody answered, he opened them. The door was squeakily and old as the house itself. When the door opened, the poor man saw a witch with a green face and a black cat on her shoulder. He was frightened and immediately ran down the hill. Because of the darkness he couldn’t seen anything so he fell into a pond. He couldn’t swim because of the water plants. He started to sink. With his arm he searched for something that he could cling to and he grabbed a flower. When he pulled it out of the soil, the flower became very bright. There was a huge hole now instead of the dirty pond and the man was dry. He could see a long queue of witches and magicians. They were walking out of the house and straight into the hole. When the last magician went into the hole, it disappeared. And it wasn’t dark anymore. The flower, which a moment ago was still bright, was now an ordinary red carnation. The man looked at the top of the hill. There was no house now, only a cat and the huge full moon behind it. The cat ran to the man and he could see that it wasn’t black now – it was brown. That was the witch’s cat. He grabbed the cat and called for a taxi. When the taxi came, he got in and noticed that there was no driver in the car. So he came home in a car without a driver. That night he dreamed some strange things.

When he woke up in the morning, he went back to the place where he was last night. But there was no hill. There were only two houses. When he asked the owners if they knew what had happened to the hill, they just looked at him oddly. Who knows, maybe it was just a dream. But the cat was real.


Tina, 9.r

A forest fire

Last summer vacation I went camping with my friends.

Late in the evening we all went for a walk. We were talking when suddenly a few rabbits ran past us. We ran in the direction where we saw some light. The next thing we knew, we were in the middle of a forest fire. One of us quickly called the fire department. We tried to find a way out, but there was fire everywhere around us. Then I heard my friend shouting. We looked for him and found a small cave.

We all hid in there until the fireman arrived. They helped us out and then we went back to our camp. Fortunately, the fire wasn’t too big for the fireman to tame.

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Maj, 8.r

A natural disaster

Once I saw a forest fire. It was on a hill near Solkan. It was 4 pm when I saw it . At 2.20 pm I came home. I put my bag in my room. Suddenly I heard a siren from a fire engine. Then I went out to the playground to play football. It was 3.45 when I went back home. I looked up the nearest hill and I saw that it was black. Some trees were still on fire. I called my brother. He came out of the house and he was very surprised because one hour ago he was looking at the hills and they were all green. Later, on the evening TV news, they said that they didn’t know what caused the fire.

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Matic, 8.r

An actor

Being an actor is a very special job. An actor or actress usually works in the theatre, but we can see them in movies too. Being an actor means, that you must pretend that you are someone else. This can be fun but also very hard, because you must change your character, voice and you have to make alive this person even if he/she doesn’t exsist. The most important thing is that you must learn all those long texts. Positive sides of this job are that you can become very famous like Marilyn Monroe, Johnny Depp, Cameron Diaz, Julia Roberts, Sandra Bullock, Angelina Jolie,… You can become a very rich person too and if you are popular, everybody loves you. And you can wear very unusual dresses – special dresses that only you have and no-one else. But the negative sides are that sometimes you must work all day or all night. The fame sometimes isn’t very positive. You can’t have a private life and all those pressmen can be very tiring with all those questions, photos,… We know many famous actors/actresses, but they are British or American. We sometimes forget that in Slovenia we have many famous actors/actresses. I will describe one of them:


Milena Zupančič was born on 18th December, 1946 in Jesenice. She lived with her mother and she didn’t know her father. When she was six, she went to school in Bohinjska Bela. She studied in a special school where she learned acting. She is the most famous Slovenian actress and she usually acts in movies. Her most famous movie is Cvetje v jeseni by Ivan Tavčar. In this movie she plays a young girl called Meta who falls in love with Janez (the main character). She also acts in theatres. Her the most famous plays are: Romeo in Julija, Somelov vrt,… She got two important rewards, too: Boršnikov prstan and Prešernova nagrada. I like her because I think that she is a very interesting person and a very good actress.



Hana, 9.r


Cold November’s rain,

Takes positive energy,

Wish and will away.



Gently rustling leaves

In an autumn paradise.

Oh, it’s wonderful!



Frost in winter time

Is glittering on the tree,

Solitude is killing.



Soggy, muddy way,

We are jumping in puddles,

Only frog and me.

Manca, 8.r

League of legends

League of legends is my favourite computer game. You can play it with people all over the world. When I play this game, I learn English, too. Sometimes I meet people that speak other languages, so I don’t understand them. In the game you can kill minions and monsters and if you are good you can kill champions, too. You have five positions: Top lane, Mid lane, Bot lane( support and adc) and jungler. You can play normal games or ranked games. Ranked games are really hard to play and if you want to play them you have to be level 30. I’m already level 30. There are over 80 characters in the game. I have 35 characters. In a single game you can play one character. I like this game because it’s fun and and you can meet people all over the world. I play it with my friends, so it’s more fun.


Matic, 8.r


The bigger you are the harder you fall. – Kdor visoko leta, nizko pade.

Home sweet home. – Ljubo doma, kdor ga ima.

Never say never. – Zarečenega kruha se največ poje, nikoli ne reci nikoli.

The early bird catches the worm. – Rana ura, zlata ura.

A friend in need is a friend indeed. – Prijatelja spoznaš v nesreči.

The apple never falls far from the tree. – Jabolko ne pade daleč od drevesa

A healthy mind in a healthy body. – Zdrav duh v zdravem telesu.

Once bitten, twice shy. – Osel gre samo enkrat na led.

Don’t  count chickens before they’re hatched. – Ne hvali dneva pred večerom.

He was hoist by his own petard. – Kdor drugemu jamo koplje, sam vanjo pade.

He who laughs last laughs longest. – Kdor se zadnji smeje, se najslajše smeje.

Mighty oaks from little acorns grow. – Iz malega raste veliko.

There’s no place like home. – Povsod je lepo, a najlepše je doma.

United we stand, divided we fall. – V slogi je moč.

Two heads are better than one. – Več glav več ve.

Every man is the architect of his own fortune. – Vsak je svoje sreče kovač.

Love is blind. – Ljubezen je slepa.

No gain without pain. – Brez dela ni jela.

No pain, no gain. – Brez muje se še čevelj ne obuje.

Youth does not mind where it sets its foot. – Mladost je norost, čez jarek skače, kjer je most.

Time is money. – Čas je zlato.

More haste less speed. – Hiti počasi.

A good name is better than riches. – Dober glas seže v deveto vas.

All that glitters is not gold. – Ni vse zlato, kar se sveti.

The school of hard knocks. – Vsaka šola nekaj stane.

Accidents will happen. – Nesreča nikoli ne počiva.

Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. – Kar lahko storiš danes, ne odlašaj na jutri.

Still waters run deep. – Tiha voda bregove dere.

Old habits die hard. – Navada je železna srajca.

Good wine needs no bush. – Dobro blago se samo hvali.

Hope dies last. – Upanje umira zadnje.

A white wall in the fool’s paper. – Kjer osel leži, tam dlako pusti.

All’s well that ends well. – Konec dober, vse dobro.

While the cat’s away the mice will play. – Ko mačke ni doma, miši plešejo.

Money makes the world go round. – Denar je sveta vladar.

First come first served. – Kdor prej pride, prej melje.

Lie has no feet. – Laž ima kratke noge.

Look after the pennies and pounds will look after themselves. – Zrno na zrno – pogača, kamen na kamen – palača.

Everything comes to those who wait. – Kdor čaka, dočaka.

Love is a disease. – Ljubezen je bolezen.

A promise made is a debt unpaid. – Obljuba dela dolg.


Tina, 9.r