The United Kingdom

The United Kingdom lies on an island 229,850 km2 big. It’s the ninth biggest island in the world and the third most settled. It has 62 million people.

England is 130,395 km2 big and it has 51 million people. London is the capital, two other big cities are Manchester and Liverpool. The language is English and the current Queen is Queen Elizabeth II. The Prime Meridian goes through England (Greenwich, London).

Scotland represents 1/3 of the UK. It joined England in 1707 to form the United Kingdom. It has 5,300,000 people. Men wear kilts and play bagpipes there.

Wales represents 8,5 % of the UK’s surface and 5 % of the entire population of the UK. The anthem of Wales is Hena Wlad. The languages that they use are Welsh and English. On 20,779 km2, 148 people live per square kilometer.

Norther Ireland’s capital city is Belfast. It joined the UK in 1920 when the South became independent (The Republic of Ireland). It measures 14,030 km2 and has 1,810,000 people. They speak English and Irish there.

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