The Solar System

There were nine planets in our Solar System until 2006 when scientists decided that Pluto wasn’t big enough to be a planet. The other, “real” planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus.

Mercury is the smallest planet and it’s the nearest to the Sun. Venus is about the same size as Earth and it’s our neighbour. We live on planet Earth. It takes 365 days to go around the Sun. Mars is also called “The Red Planet” and scientists think there was life on Mars a long time ago. Jupiter is the largest planet and it’s made of gas. They say that the red spot on it is a huge storm. Saturn has a ring and like Neptune and Uranus it’s made of gas.

But … Surprise! Scientists have just discovered a new planet! It’s called planet Mearch. It’s similar to Jupiter, but it’s pink and blue. On this planet there are robots called Yolowci. They speak yolowish. They live in electric balloons. They eat bubble gum and pancakes. They are very kind and sweet. Every thirty days they come to visit Earth because they can. In their balloons, they can travel between planets. In their free time, they swim in chocolate.

Tara & Pia, 7. r