With this poem I’ll describe to you a tale.

However, I’m not sure how much of it I’ll nail.

The story is set in a place unknown

and I’ll tell you more about it with words of my own.


It tells about two kids who of each other are fond

and each day they strengthen their bond.

These two are the best of friends,

since their friendship is a thing that never ends.


They first met at a very young age

and they quickly knew how to engage.

Both don’t regret a single moment,

not an old one, nor recent.


They both enjoy activities likewise

and the fun in them just never dies.

No matter how many times these games repeat,

they always give them a feeling bittersweet.


Today these two can still be found together

and their friendship is stronger than ever.

Now this poem includes all information there should be

and I hope that with it I made a good impression on thee.

Tilen, 9. r