Gold Blood

It was a cold, dark night and there was a strong wind blowing, when a car suddenly stopped driving on a long, straight, macadam route and no one was there.

The driver of the broken car came out of the car to take a look at what happened inside the car. The dogs were barking and the worried man was looking for help in the dark, lonely night. While he was walking down the route, he saw a lonely, interesting old house on the hill. When he came to the house, he knocked carefully on the door and the door strangely opened by itself. The surprised man heard someone playing the piano and the voice which was high and scary said: “Come in.” The frightened man quickly shut the door and ran away. He ran away from the creepy house and while was he running away he saw an ugly old witch running behind him. Because he wasn’t looking where he was going, he fell into a hole in the ground. He heard the old witch’s laughter and as she was coming to the hole.

The witch put a spell on him and he suddenly wasn’t lying in the cold water in the hole, but he was dry and he was standing next to her. The witch said: “Did you get lost in the Cursed hamlet?” “Yes,” said the frightened man and he was shaking. “If you want to go home, you must find the magic gold goose in the woods for me in two days. Because I’m weak and old and I’ll die soon,” said the witch and added: “Otherwise you will suffer terribly in this hamlet forever!” The man had no choice and promised to help her find the magic goose.

He started early in the morning and he looked for the gold goose all day but he couldn’t find it. He came back to the witch’s house in the evening. The witch screamed at him because he didn’t find the magic gold goose which would bring her youth. The man was very afraid because he had only one day left to find the goose.

He couldn’t sleep so he went to hunt the gold goose. The moon was shining in the cold dark night and the man couldn’t see very well but he was ready for the magic goose.  He suddenly saw something sparkling behind the high old oak – the gold feathers from the magic goose! He only used one arrow to kill the goose. He was quite good at shooting with a bow and arrows.

He ran as quickly as he could with the dead magic goose in his hands. When he came to the house, the evil witch was sleeping on an armchair. He called her a witch because he didn’t want to touch her awful skin. Her spooky green eyes all of a sudden opened and she was very angry with the man because he called her a witch. The man said: “I’ve got the goose!” The witch jumped on her legs and took a crystal glass from an old dark closet. She cut the goose’s head with an axe and poured the goose’s gold blood into a glass. She said something and drank all blood from the glass. The strong wind started to blow and the man had to hold to the old loose table. The white wind raised up and the evil witch changed into a good beautiful lady with long curly brown hair. The man fell in love with her and because he was single and lonely he decided to stay with her. The old scary house changed into a big bright luxurious villa where they lived together.

After sixty years of love, the man died a natural death and the lady died with him, too. She loved him, so she had to die with him because she was cursed.

Lucija, 9. r