Don’t Judge

It was a dark, foggy night. There was a strong wind blowing and an old, bad-looking dog was barking loudly.

Suddenly an old, red car stopped in front of a creepy, spooky house on the hill. The driver slowly got out of the car and carefully went to the only house there in the woods. He was very annoyed and angry, because his car ran out of fuel. When he arrived at the house, he heard the organ playing a very loud and creepy song. Of course, he freaked out! Then he thought: “Why am I so afraid? It’s just a stupid house and the organ playing.” He decided to knock on the door. All of a sudden a low and weird voice said: “Come in!” All at once the heavy door opened. A small, ugly and stinky woman looking like a witch was standing near the door. The driver was frightened to death, so he screamed and ran as fast as he could. While he was running, he didn’t see the branch, so he fell straight forward into a lake. That was a big problem for the men because he couldn’t swim! He started screaming even loudlier. When the witch heard him, she ran quickly to the lake and helped him. The man was still scared of her but he thanked her. After that small accident the old witch invited him in her “living room” and offered him a cup of tea.

The men refused the tea because he was still very frightened. He said to himself: “I’m so stupid. First I fell into the water, almost died and the witch saved my life and then I came inside this house. What is wrong with me?” Then they sat down on the small, ragged, black sofa and started talking. While they were talking about how long the witch has been living here and how was her life going, the men slowly started changing his opinion about her. He realized  that she wasn’t a witch, but just a normal, little old woman who lived in the woods on a very high hill. The old woman lent him some fuel, so he could go home. When they said goodbye to each other, the young man thanked her one last time and went home. While he was driving, he thought: “Today I judged the woman so badly. I must apology.” One week later he visited that woman and promised her to help her renovate her old house. He explained her that he offered his help because he insulted her the other day. The woman was very thankful.

You can’t judge people by their looks or by their house, but by their personality.

Tereza, 9. r